Thursday, February 13, 2014

Korean obsession with Plastic surgery

Very recently,  I rented an apartment in Reforma area of Mexico City and I noticed a large community of Korean women around the point was they all look alike to me and that raise a red flag in me that why is that in K-POP video or Korean movies , all korean women looks similar.

After digging a bit further I found out the reason for this is Korean women obsession about Plastic surgery and half of the women in Big cities like Seoul has undergone plastic surgeries.

The most common procedures are eyelid surgeries and nose jobs, which Koreans colloquially refer to as "the basics." Getting "the basics" is like dying your hair— everyone does it and rarely are people secretive about the work they've had done.

     Subway stations advertise Cosmetic procedures

Korea biggest cultural export "K-pop idols"  are all seems to have gone under knife and most desirable "Western looking Features" are almond shaped eyes (double eyelid),  long noses.

Whereas in the West, plastic surgeries are less common and people in the west tends to do either boobs or butts job, they hardly go for surgeries on the face but in Korea the obsession with facial beauty is such that 
Job applicants are frequently required to submit head shots, and the belief that beauty means more social capital has resulted in countless parents pushing their kids into plastic surgery, a phenomenon that makes South Korea unique in that regard. 

Korean beauty contestants all look the same as all seems to have undergone surgery

Obsession with Western feature in non-white countries are not limited to Korea, it is predominantly common in other countries , In India, facial cream advertisement are full of making you "Whiter" and in Egypt people want blond hairs.

In India , it is called ""Snow White syndrome"

                                               A Ponds advertisement showing Indian white skin obsession

Source - Business Insider

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