Plot: The film tells the story of a peasant woman, Qiu Ju, who lives in a rural area of China. When her husband is kicked in the groin by the village head, Qiu Ju, despite her pregnancy, travels to a nearby town, and later to the big city to deal with its bureaucrats and find justice.
Intersting Facts:
The film was shot in 1992-China in northwest Shaanxi province, Many of the street scenes in the cities were filmed with a hidden camera so the images are a sort of documentary of China during the time of Deng Xiaoping.
This film gave Gong Li international recognizition and she won multiple international film awards for her performance.
In this movie, she has carried her character with so originatily that if someone has not seen Gong Li before, will think that she is just an average looking , a real peasant woman. (you would be surprised to know that Gong Li has been one of the most beautiful woman in China and voted #1 during a newspaper poll in China in 1996).
Gong Li during a scene of the Movie
The same GONG Li in real life on the cover of a Magazine.
Conclusion: This movie is a must watch for Gong Li fans and those who want to know what China was lik in year 1992.
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