Tuesday, December 24, 2013

You know you are in China when ...

For foreigners , China is one of the most mysterious country in the world. And China is so vast that it is impossible to tell foreigners what to expect during their stay in China. But, based on my experience you can expect the following when you are in China.

You are in China when - 

1. You get invited by your friend for a dinner and they ordered much much more dishes than they can eat just because they want to keep their "face". 

2. You go into Supermarket and you found out the only item the shop sells is Fangbianmian(Instant noodles)

3. When such crowd becomes common during holidays.

4. When you are walking the street and you found people in Pajamas, or girls washing their hairs on the road or shop assistants cutting their nails outside their shop during their lunch break.

5. When people wants to carry everything on the Elevators in the mall , they probably don't know that lifts(not elevators) are designed for such things.

6. When every morning while going to office, you see the "laoban" (Boss) lined up all the staff in front of shops/restaurants and give them motivational talks and asks them to do dance or some sort of physical exercise to make them ready for the day.

7. Parents helping kids to take a pee in the middle of the road or in dustbins in shopping malls or even in Subway trains.

8. When you go to see a doctor and everybody else wants to look at your Medical reports and wants to gives you suggestions. 

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